These fish were sampled in Kress Creek as part of a stream health survey. While fishing is a popular sport, Fermilab no longer condones the practice of introducing game fish on site. Photo credit: R. Campbell
Aquatic organisms are important parts of the food web and indicators of habitat quality. Odonates (dragonflies & damselflies), amphibians, and many terrestrial animals rely on aquatic habitat for parts of their life cycle or resource cache. Surveys of fishes were conducted in 1996 by the IDNR in the major lakes and ponds at Fermilab, and several species of common native and game fish were found. A one-time stream health survey (fishes, macroinvertebrates, mussels, and qualitative habitat evaluation index) was performed within Kress, Indian and Ferry creeks in 2014 by Fermilab staff, DuPage County Forest Preserve, Openlands, and the Shedd Aquarium, with nothing unusual being found.
Due to extensive modifications of all streams and lakes on the Fermilab site, the presence of any state-listed fishes or mussels is unlikely. Understanding lake and stream restoration potential is a long-term goal in addition to more in-depth surveys of fish and macroinvertebrates.